Entretanto, Pompeyo, que, a consecuencia de la guerra mitridàtica, había llegado a un gran grado de
gloria y de poder, pretendía que el senado ratificara cuantas numerosas concesiones había hecho a reyes, príncipes y ciudades. La mayoría de los senadores, no obstante, se oponían por envidia, y en especial Lúculo, quien había dirigido la guerra contra Mitrídates antes que Pompeyo y consideraba la victoria sobre aquél como obra suya porque le había dejado a Pompeyo el rey en un estado extremo de debilidad. Craso cooperaba con Lúculo en este asunto. Pompeyo, por consiguiente, se encolerizó y trabó amistad con César, y le prometió bajo juramento que lo apoyaría en sus aspiraciones al consulado. Y este último lo reconcilió de inmediato con Craso. Así, estos tres hombres, teniendo
el máximo poder sobre todos, se coaligaron en sus intereses mutuos. Un escritor romano, Varrón, abarcando esta coalición en un solo libro escribió Tricáranos. El senado, sospechando de ellos, eligió a Lucio Bibulo para compartir el consulado con César a fin de contrarrestar su poder.
Apiano. Historia romana, 2, 2, 9.
martes, 26 de marzo de 2019
As for Marcus Cato
As for Marcus Cato, who was in general
an upright man and displeased with any innovation but was able to exert
no influence either by nature or by education, he did not himself make
any complaint against the motion, but without going into particulars
urged them to abide by the existing system and take no steps beyond it.
At this Caesar was on the point of dragging Cato out of the very
senate-house and casting him into prison. The latter gave himself up
quite readily to be led away and not a few of the rest followed him; one
of them, Marcus Petreius, being rebuked by Caesar because he was taking
his departure before the senate was yet dismissed, replied: "I prefer to
be with Cato in his cell rather than here with you." Abashed at this
speech Caesar let Cato go and adjourned the senate, saying only this much
in passing: "I have made you judges and lords of the law so that if
anything should not suit you, it need not be brought into the public
assembly; but since you are not willing to pass a decree, that body
itself shall decide."
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 38, 3.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 38, 3.
On accomplishing this he thought he had gained
On accomplishing this he thought he had gained a sufficient means
of access to the consulship and set out hastily, even before his
successor arrived, to the elections. He decided to seek the position
even before asking for a triumph, since it was not possible to hold a
festival beforehand. He was refused the triumph, for Cato opposed him
with might and main. However, he let that go, hoping to perform many
more and greater exploits and celebrate corresponding triumphs, if
elected consul. Besides the omens previously recited, on which, he at
all times greatly prided himself, was the fact that a horse of his had
been born with clefts in the hoofs of its front feet, and bore him
proudly, whereas it would not endure any other rider. Consequently his
expectations were of no small character, so that he willingly resigned
the triumphal celebration and entered the city to canvass for office.
Here he courted Pompey and Crassus and the rest so skillfully that
though they were still at enmity with each other, and their political
clubs were likewise, and though each opposed everything that he learned
the other wished, he won them over and was unanimously appointed by them
all. This evidences his cleverness in the greatest degree that he should
have known and arranged the occasions and the amount of his services so
well as to attach them both to him when they were working against each
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 37, 54.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 37, 54.
martes, 19 de marzo de 2019
On the expiration of his Praetorship
On the expiration of his Prætorship, Cæsar received Iberia
for his province, but as he had a difficulty about arranging matters
with his creditors, who put obstructions in the way of his leaving
Rome, and were clamorous, he applied to Crassus, then the richest man
in Rome, who stood in need of the vigour and impetuosity of Cæsar to
support him in his political hostility to Pompeius. Crassus undertook
to satisfy the most importunate and unrelenting of the creditors, and
having become security for Cæsar to the amount of eight hundred and
thirty talents, thus enabled him to set out for his province. There is
a story that as Cæsar was crossing the Alps, he passed by a small
barbarian town which had very few inhabitants and was a miserable
place, on which his companions jocosely observed, "They did not
suppose there were any contests for honors in such a place as that,
and struggles for the first rank and mutual jealousy of the chief
persons:" on which Cæsar earnestly remarked, "I would rather be the
first man here than the second at Rome." Again in Spain, when he had
some leisure and was reading the history of Alexander, he was for
a long time in deep thought, and at last burst into tears; and on his
friends asking the reason of this, he said, "Don't you think it is a
matter for sorrow, that Alexander was king of so many nations at such
an early age, and I have as yet done nothing of note?"
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 11.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 11.
Now Cicero was a friend of Clodius
Now Cicero was a friend of Clodius, and in the
affair of Catilina found him a most zealous assistant and
guardian of his person; but as Clodius in answer to the
charge relied on not having been in Rome at the time,
and maintained that he was staying in places at a very
great distance, Cicero bore testimony that Clodius had
come to his house and spoken with him on certain
matters; which was true. However people did not
suppose that Cicero gave his testimony from regard to
truth, but by way of justifying himself to his wife
Terentia. For Terentia had a grudge against Clodius on
account of his sister Clodia, who was supposed to wish to
marry Cicero, and to be contriving this by the aid of one
Tullus, who was one of the nearest companions and
intimates of Cicero, and as Tullus was going to Clodia,
who lived near, and paying attention to her, he excited suspicion in Terentia. Now as Terentia was of a sour
temper and governed Cicero, she urged him to join in
the attack on Clodius and to give testimony against him.
Many men also of the highest character charged Clodius
by their testimony with perjury, disorderly conduct,
bribing of the masses, and debauching of women. Lucullus
also produced female slaves to testify that Clodius
had sexual commerce with his youngest sister when she
was the wife of Lucullus. There was also a general
opinion that Clodius debauched his other two sisters, of
whom Marcius Rex had Terentia and Metellus Celer
had Clodia to wife, who was called Quadrantaria, because
one of her lovers put copper coins for her in a purse pretending
they were silver and sent them to her; now the
smallest copper coin the Romans called Quadrans. It
was with regard to this sister that Clodius was most
suspected. However as the people on that occasion set
themselves against those who bore testimony and combined
against Clodius, the judices being afraid procured
a guard for their protection, and most of them gave in
their tablets with the writing on them confused. It
turned out that those who were for acquitting him were
the majority, and some bribery was also said to have been
used. This led Catulus to say when he met the judices,
“Indeed you did ask for a guard to protect you, for you
were afraid that some one should take your money from
you.” Upon Clodius saying to Cicero that his evidence
had no credit with the judices, Cicero replied, “However,
five-and-twenty of the judices gave me credit, for so
many of them voted against you; but thirty of them
gave you no credit, for they did not vote for your acquittal
till they had received their money.” Cæsar, however,
when called, gave no evidence against Clodius, and he
denied that he had convicted his wife of adultery, but
that he had put her away, because Cæsar’s wife ought
not only to be free from a shameful act, but even the
report of it.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: Cicerón, 29.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: Cicerón, 29.
While Pompeia was now celebrating this festival
While Pompeia was now celebrating this festival, Clodius, who was not yet bearded, and for this reason thought that he should not be discovered, assumed the dress and equipment of a female lute-player and went to the house looking just like a young woman. Finding the door open, he was safely let in by a female slave who was in the secret, and who forthwith ran off to tell Pompeia. As there was some delay and Clodius was too impatient to wait where the woman had left him, but was rambling about the house, which was large, and trying to avoid the lights, Aurelia's waiting-woman, as was natural for one woman with another, challenged him to a little mirthful sport, and as he declined the invitations, she pulled him forward and asked who he was and where he came from. Clodius replied that he was waiting for Abra the maid of Pompeia, for that was the woman's name, but his voice betrayed him, and the waiting-woman ran with a loud cry to the lights and the rest of the company, calling out that she had discovered a man. All the women were in the greatest alarm, and Aurelia stopped the celebration of the rites and covered up the sacred things: she also ordered the doors to be closed and went about the house with the lights to look for Clodius. He was discovered lurking in the chamber of the girl who had let him in, and on being recognised by the women was turned out of doors. The women went straightway, though it was night, to their husbands to tell them what had happened; and as soon as it was day, the talk went through Rome of the desecration of the sacred rites by Clodius, and how he ought to be punished for his behaviour, not only to the persons whom he had insulted, but to the city and the gods. Accordingly one of the tribunes instituted a prosecution against Clodius for an offence against religion, and the most powerful of the senators combined against him, charging him, among other abominations, with adultery with his sister, who was the wife of Lucullus. The people set themselves in opposition to their exertions and supported Clodius, and were of great service to him with the judices, who were terror-struck and afraid of the people. Cæsar immediately divorced Pompeia, and when he was summoned as a witness on the trial, he said he knew nothing about the matters that Clodius was charged with. This answer appearing strange, the accuser asked him, "Why have you put away your wife?" to which Cæsar replied, "Because I considered that my wife ought not even to be suspected." Some say that this was the real expression of Cæsar's opinion, but others affirm that it was done to please the people who were bent on saving Clodius. However this may be, Clodius was acquitted, for the majority of the judices gave in their votes written confusedly, that they might run no risk from the populace by convicting Clodius nor lose the good opinion of the better sort by acquitting him.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 10.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 10.
Having renounced all hope of obtaining Egypt
Having renounced all hope of obtaining Egypt
for his province, he stood candidate for the office of chief pontiff,
to secure which, he had recourse to the most profuse bribery.
Calculating, on this occasion, the enormous amount of the debts he had
contracted, he is reported to have said to his mother, when she kissed
him at his going out in the morning to the assembly of the people, "I
will never return home unless I am elected pontiff."
In effect, he left so far behind him two most powerful competitors, who
were much his superiors both in age and rank, that he had more votes in
their own tribes, than they both had in all the tribes together.
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 13.
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 13.
Farther Spain fell to his lot as quaestor
Farther Spain fell to his lot as quaestor; when there, as he was going the circuit of
the province, by commission from the praetor, for the administration of
justice, and had reached Gades,
seeing a statue of Alexander the Great in the temple of Hercules, he
sighed deeply, as if weary of his sluggish life, for having performed no
memorable actions at an ages at which Alexander had already conquered
the world.
He, therefore, immediately sued for his discharge, with the view of
embracing the first opportunity, which might present itself in The City,
of entering upon a more exalted career.
In the stillness of the night following, he dreamt that he lay with his
own mother; but his confusion was relieved, and his hopes were raised to
the highest pitch, by the interpreters of his dream, who expounded it
as an omen that he should
possess universal empire; for that the mother who in his sleep he had
found submissive to his embraces, was no other than the earth, the
common parent of all mankind.
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 7.
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 7.
He received the first proof of the good will
He received the first proof of the good will of the people towards
him when he was a competitor against Caius Popilius for a military
tribuneship, and was proclaimed before him. He received a second
and more conspicuous evidence of popular favour on the occasion of the
death of Julia the wife of Marius, when Cæsar, who was her
nephew, pronounced over her a splendid funeral oration in the Forum,
and at the funeral ventured to exhibit the images of Marius,
which were then seen for the first time since the administration of
Sulla, for Marius and his son had been adjudged enemies. Some voices
were raised against Cæsar on account of this display, but the people
responded by loud shouts, and received him with clapping of hands, and
admiration, that he was bringing back as from the regions of Hades,
after so long an interval, the glories of Marius to the city. Now it
was an ancient Roman usage to pronounce funeral orations over
elderly women, but it was not customary to do it in the case of young
women, and Cæsar set the first example by pronouncing a funeral
oration over his deceased wife, which brought him some popularity and
won the many by sympathy to consider him a man of a kind disposition
and full of feeling. After the funeral of his wife he went to Iberia
as quæstor to the Prætor Vetus, for whom he always showed great
respect, and whose son he made his own quæstor when he filled the
office of Prætor. After his quæstorship he married for his third wife
Pompeia he had by his wife Cornelia a daughter, who afterwards
married Pompeius Magnus. Owing to his profuse expenditure (and indeed
men generally supposed that he was buying at a great cost a
short-lived popularity, though in fact he was purchasing things of the
highest value at a low price) it is said that before he attained any
public office he was in debt to the amount of thirteen hundred
talents. Upon being appointed curator of the Appian Road, he laid
out upon it a large sum of his own; and during his ædileship he
exhibited three hundred and twenty pair of gladiators, and by his
liberality and expenditure on the theatrical exhibitions, the
processions, and the public entertainments, he completely drowned all
previous displays, and put the people in such a humour, that every man
was seeking for new offices and new honours to requite him with.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 5.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, 5.
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019
Julius Caesar, the divine
Julius Caesar, the divine, lost his father when he was in the sixteenth year of his age; and the year following, being nominated to the office of high-priest of Jupiter, he repudiated Cossutia, who was very wealthy, although her family
belonged only to the equestrian order, and to whom he had been
contracted when he was a mere boy.
He then married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna, who was four times
consul; and had by her, shortly afterwards, a daughter named Julia.
Resisting all the efforts of the dictator Sylla to induce him to divorce
Cornelia, he suffered the penalty of being stripped of his sacerdotal
office, his wife's dowry, and his own patrimonial estates; and, being
identified with the adverse faction, was compelled to withdraw from Rome.
After changing his place of concealment nearly every night, although he was suffering from a quartan ague, and having effected his
release by bribing the officers who had tracked his footsteps, he at
length obtained a pardon through the intercession of the vestal virgins,
and of Mamercus AEmilius and Aurelius Cotta, his near relatives.
We are assured that when Sylla, having withstood for a while the
entreaties of his own best friends, persons of distinguished rank, at
last yielded to their importunity, he exclaimed-either by a divine
impulse, or from a shrewd conjecture: "Your suit is granted, and you may
take him among you; but know," he added, " that this man, for whose
safety you are so extremely anxious, will, some day or other, be the
ruin of the party of the nobles, in defence of which you are leagued
with me; for in this one Caesar, you will find many a Marius."
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 1.
Suetonio. Vida de los doce césares, Julio César, 1.
Sila, una vez convertido en el amo de Roma
Sila, una vez convertido en el amo de Roma, no pudiendo conseguir ni con promesas ni por miedo que Cornelia — la hija de Cina, quien había ejercido el poder en solitario— se divorciase de César, le confiscó la dote. La causa de la animosidad de César contra Sila era su parentesco con Mario: en
efecto, Mario el viejo estaba casado con Julia, hermana del padre de César, y de ella tuvo a Mario el Joven, que era primo hermano de César. Al principio Sila, ocupado como estaba en innumerables asesinatos, no se preocupaba de César, pero él, no dándose por contento, se presentó ante el pueblo para solicitar el sacerdocio, aunque era apenas un muchacho. Sila, oponiéndose en secreto, consiguió que César fracasara en su intento y comenzó a pensar en hacerlo desaparecer; cuando algunos le decían que no tenía sentido matar a un muchacho de tan poca edad, él replicó que eran ellos los que no tenían seso si eran incapaces de ver en ese muchacho a muchos Marios. Cuando este rumor llegó a oídos de César, fue a ocultarse durante bastante tiempo entre los sabinos, moviéndose de un sitio para otro; más tarde, cuando a causa de una enfermedad se hacía trasladar de noche a otra casa, cayó en manos de unos soldados de Sila que iban haciendo pesquisas por aquellos lugares para apresar a quienes se escondían. César consiguió persuadir a Cornelio, el comandante del grupo, para que lo
dejara libre previo pago de dos talentos, y acto seguido bajó a la costa y se embarcó para Bitinia con el fin de presentarse ante el rey Nicomedes. Tras pasar cierto tiempo junto a él, se embarcó de regreso y fue apresado en las inmediaciones de la isla Farmacusa por los piratas que por aquel entonces
ya infestaban el mar con grandes escuadras e innumerables embarcaciones.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, I.
efecto, Mario el viejo estaba casado con Julia, hermana del padre de César, y de ella tuvo a Mario el Joven, que era primo hermano de César. Al principio Sila, ocupado como estaba en innumerables asesinatos, no se preocupaba de César, pero él, no dándose por contento, se presentó ante el pueblo para solicitar el sacerdocio, aunque era apenas un muchacho. Sila, oponiéndose en secreto, consiguió que César fracasara en su intento y comenzó a pensar en hacerlo desaparecer; cuando algunos le decían que no tenía sentido matar a un muchacho de tan poca edad, él replicó que eran ellos los que no tenían seso si eran incapaces de ver en ese muchacho a muchos Marios. Cuando este rumor llegó a oídos de César, fue a ocultarse durante bastante tiempo entre los sabinos, moviéndose de un sitio para otro; más tarde, cuando a causa de una enfermedad se hacía trasladar de noche a otra casa, cayó en manos de unos soldados de Sila que iban haciendo pesquisas por aquellos lugares para apresar a quienes se escondían. César consiguió persuadir a Cornelio, el comandante del grupo, para que lo
dejara libre previo pago de dos talentos, y acto seguido bajó a la costa y se embarcó para Bitinia con el fin de presentarse ante el rey Nicomedes. Tras pasar cierto tiempo junto a él, se embarcó de regreso y fue apresado en las inmediaciones de la isla Farmacusa por los piratas que por aquel entonces
ya infestaban el mar con grandes escuadras e innumerables embarcaciones.
Plutarco. Vidas paralelas: César, I.
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019
Julianus after seizing the power in this way
Julianus after seizing the power in this way managed affairs in a servile fashion, paying court to the senate as well as to men of any influence. Sometimes he made offers, again he bestowed gifts, and he laughed and sported with anybody and everybody. He was constantly going to the theatre and kept getting up banquets: in fine, he left nothing undone to win our favor. However, he was not trusted; his servility was so abject that it made him an object of suspicion. Everything out of the common, even if it seems to be a kindness to somebody, is regarded by men of sense as a trap.
The senate had at one time voted him a golden statue and he refused to accept it, saying: "Give me a bronze one so that it may last; for I perceive that the gold and silver statues of the emperors that ruled before me have been torn down, whereas the bronze ones remain." In this he was not right: since 'tis excellence that safeguards the memory of potentates. And the bronze statue that was bestowed upon him was torn down after he was overthrown.
This was what went on in Rome. Now I shall speak about what happened outside and the various revolutions.There were three men at this time who were commanding each three legions of citizens and many foreigners besides, and they all asserted their claims,--Severus, Niger, and Albinus. The last-named governed Britain, Severus Pannonia, and Niger Syria. These were the three persons darkly indicated by the three stars that suddenly came to view surrounding the sun, when Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifices of Entrance in front of the senate-house. These heavenly bodies were so very brilliant that the soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing them out to one another, declaring moreover that some dreadful fate would befall the usurper. As for us, however much we hoped and prayed that it might so prove, yet the fear of the moment would not permit us to gaze at them, save by occasional glances. Such are the facts that I know about the matter.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 74, 14.
The senate had at one time voted him a golden statue and he refused to accept it, saying: "Give me a bronze one so that it may last; for I perceive that the gold and silver statues of the emperors that ruled before me have been torn down, whereas the bronze ones remain." In this he was not right: since 'tis excellence that safeguards the memory of potentates. And the bronze statue that was bestowed upon him was torn down after he was overthrown.
This was what went on in Rome. Now I shall speak about what happened outside and the various revolutions.There were three men at this time who were commanding each three legions of citizens and many foreigners besides, and they all asserted their claims,--Severus, Niger, and Albinus. The last-named governed Britain, Severus Pannonia, and Niger Syria. These were the three persons darkly indicated by the three stars that suddenly came to view surrounding the sun, when Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifices of Entrance in front of the senate-house. These heavenly bodies were so very brilliant that the soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing them out to one another, declaring moreover that some dreadful fate would befall the usurper. As for us, however much we hoped and prayed that it might so prove, yet the fear of the moment would not permit us to gaze at them, save by occasional glances. Such are the facts that I know about the matter.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, 74, 14.
Peu de jours après la fête
Peu de jours après la fête, le vingt-et-un du mois d'Artemisios, on vit une apparition surhumaine, dépassant toute créance. Ce que je vais raconter paraîtrait même une fable, si des témoins ne m’en avaient informé : du reste, les malheurs qui survinrent ensuite n'ont que trop répondu à ces présages. On vit donc dans tout le pays, avant le coucher du soleil, des chars et des bataillons armés répandus dans les airs, s'élançant à travers les nuages et entourant les villes.
Flavio Josefo. La guerra de los judíos, VI, 5, 3.
Flavio Josefo. La guerra de los judíos, VI, 5, 3.
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2019
At last, after they had struggled
At last, after they had struggled evenly for a very long space of
time and many on both sides alike had fallen or been wounded, Pompey,
since the larger part of his army was Asiatic and untrained, was
defeated, even as had been made clear to him before the action.
Thunderbolts had fallen into his camp, a fire had appeared in the air
over Caesar's ditch and then fell up his own, bees had swarmed upon his
military standards, and many of the victims after being led up close the
very altar had run away. And so far did the effects of that contest
extend to the rest of mankind that on the very day of the battle
collisions of armies and the clash of arms occurred in many places: in
Pergamum a kind of noise of drums and cymbals rose from the temple of
Dionysus and spread throughout the city; in Tralles a palm tree grew up
in the temple of Victory and the goddess herself turned about toward an
image of Caesar located beside her; in Syria two young men (as they
seemed) announced the result of the battle and vanished; and in
Patavium, which now belongs to Italy but was then still a part of Gaul,
certain birds not only brought news of it but even acted it out to some
extent, for one Gaius Cornelius drew from them accurate information of
all that had taken place, and narrated it to the bystanders. These
things happened separately on that very same day and were naturally
distrusted at the time; but when news was brought of the engagement,
astonishment was felt.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, XLI, 61.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, XLI, 61.
In the consulship of Gnaeus Octavius
In the consulship of Gnaeus Octavius and Gaius Scribonius a spark was
seen to fall from a star and increase in size as it approached the
earth, and after becoming as large as the moon it diffused a sort of
cloudy daylight, and then returning to the sky changed into a torch;
this is the only record of this occurring. It was seen by the proconsul
Silanus and his suite.
Plinio el Viejo. Historia natural, II, 35.
Plinio el Viejo. Historia natural, II, 35.
In the six hundred and fifty-ninth year of the City
In the six hundred and fifty-ninth year of the City and during the consulship of Sextus Julius Caesar and L. Marcius Philippus, all Italy was in the throes of the war against allies. This war was caused by domestic quarrels. For Livius Drusus, a tribune of the plebs, was unable to appease the Latins by a decree after they had been deceived in their hope of gaining liberty and thus he roused them all to arms. Things came to such a pass that awful prodigies terrified the saddened city. At sunrise a ball of fire, accompanied by a tremendous clap of thunder, shone forth from the northern region. While the inhabitants of Arretium were breaking bread at banquets, blood flowed from the center of the loaves as if from bodily wounds. Moreover, a shower of stones, intermingled with pieces of brick, lashed the earth far and wide for seven continuous days. Among the Samnites, a flame broke forth from a vast fissure in the ground and seemed to shoot upwards into the sky. Furthermore, several Romans on a journey saw a golden globe falling headlong from the sky to the earth; when it had become large in appearance, they saw it again carried aloft from the earth toward the rising sun, where its huge bulk hid the sun itself from view. Drusus, who was worried by these ill-boding portents, was killed by an unidentified assassin in his own house.
Paulo Orosio. Historias contra los paganos, V, 18.
Paulo Orosio. Historias contra los paganos, V, 18.
Cuando Mario oyó estas cosas
Cuando Mario oyó estas cosas, sirviéronle de placer y trató
de sosegar a los soldados diciéndoles que de ningún modo
desconfiaba de ellos, sino que, guiado de ciertos oráculos,
aguardaba el tiempo y lugar oportunos para la victoria.
Porque llevaba en su compañía en litera con cierto respeto a
una mujer de Siria llamada Marta, que se decía era profetisa,
y de su orden hacía ciertos sacrificios. Habíala antes
amenazado el Senado porque se mezclaba en estas cosas y en
querer predecir lo futuro; pero después, como acogiéndose a
las mujeres hubiese dado algunas pruebas, y más particularmente
a la de Mario, porque puesta a sus pies había casualmente
adivinado entre los gladiadores quién sería el que venciese,
la mandó ésta adonde estaba Mario, que la miró con
admiración, y por lo común la hacía llevar en litera.
Adornábase para los sacrificios con doble púrpura, y usaba de
una lanza toda en rededor ceñida de cintas y coronas. Tenía
esta farsa en incertidumbre a la mayor parte de las gentes,
no sabiendo si el dar así en espectáculo a aquella mujer
nacía de que Mario lo creyese de veras, o de que lo fingía y
aparentaba. En cuanto al maravilloso prodigio de los buitres,
refiérelo Alejandro Mindio, y es que antes del vencimiento
se aparecían siempre dos en derredor de la hueste, y la
seguían sin desampararla, siendo conocidos por sus collares
de bronce: pues los soldados lograron cogerlos, y puestos los
collares, los soltaron. Desde entonces, reconociendo a los
soldados, les hacían agasajos, y en viéndolos éstos en las
marchas se regocijaban, esperando algún buen suceso.
Mostráronse por aquel tiempo diferentes señales, las que
tenían en general un carácter común; pero de Ameria y Tuderto
se refirió que se veían de noche en el cielo espadas y
escudos de fuego, que al principio se notaban separados, mas
después chocaban unos con otros en la forma y con los
movimientos que lo ejecutan los hombres que pelean, y, por
fin, cediendo unos y siguiendo los otros, todos venían a caer
hacia Occidente. Por el propio tiempo también de Pesinunte
vino Bataces, sacerdote de la gran madre, anunciando que la
Diosa le había hablado desde su tabernáculo diciendo que iban
los Romanos a disfrutar de la victoria y triunfo más señalados.
Diole asenso el Senado, y decretó edificar a la Diosa un
templo en señal de victoria, y cuando Bataces estaba para
comparecer ante el pueblo con el designio de anunciarlo, se
lo estorbó el tribuno de la plebe Aulo Pompeyo, llamándole
impostor y echándole a empellones de la tribuna, lo que sólo
sirvió para conciliar mayor crédito a su narración; porque no
bien se puso Aulo en camino para su casa, disuelta la junta,
cuando se le encendió una tan fuerte calentura, que se hizo
cosa muy notoria y pública entre todos haber muerto de ella
dentro del séptimo día.
Plutarco. Vida de Cayo Mario, 17.
Plutarco. Vida de Cayo Mario, 17.
Meanwhile portents had occurred
Meanwhile portents had occurred which threw the people of Rome into
great fear. A river in Picenum ran the color of blood, in Etruria a
good part of the heavens seemed to be on fire, at Ariminum a light
like daylight blazed out at night, in many portions of Italy the
shapes of three moons became visible in the night time, and in the
Forum a vulture roosted for several days. Because of these portents and inasmuch as some declared that the
consuls had been illegally chosen, they summoned them home. The
consuls received the letter but did not open it immediately, since
they were just entering upon war: instead, they joined battle first
and came out victorious. After the battle the letter was read, and
Furius was for obeying without discussion; but Flaminius was elated
over the victory and pointed out that it had proved their choice to be
correct, and he went on with vehement assertions that it was because
they were jealous of him that the influential men were even
falsifying heavenly warnings. Consequently he refused to depart until
he had settled the whole business in hand, and he said he would teach
the people at home, too, not to be deceived by relying on birds or any
other such thing. So he was anxious to remain on the ground and made
repeated attempts to detain his colleague, but Furius would not heed
him. But since the men who were going to be left behind with Flaminius
dreaded lest in their isolation they might suffer some disaster at the
hands of their opponents and begged him to stay by them for a few
days, he yielded to their entreaties but did not take part in any
action. Flaminius traveled about laying waste the country, subjugated
a few forts, and bestowed all the spoils upon the soldiers as a means
of winning their favor. At length the leaders returned home and were
put on trial by the senate for their disobedience (on account of their
anger towards Flaminius they subjected Furius also to disgrace); but
the populace was against the senate and showed emulation in
Flaminius's behalf, so that it voted them a triumph. After celebrating
it they laid down their office.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, VIII, 20.
Dión Casio. Historia romana, VIII, 20.
También han aparecido juntas tres Lunas
También han aparecido juntas tres Lunas, como sucedió cuando fueron cónsules Cneo Domicio y Cayo Fannio, a las cuales llamaron muchos Soles nocturnos.
Plinio el Viejo. Historia natural, II, 32.
Plinio el Viejo. Historia natural, II, 32.
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019
To add to the general feeling of apprehension
To add to the general feeling of apprehension, information was
received of portents having occurred simultaneously in several places.
In Sicily several of the soldiers' darts were covered with flames; in
Sardinia the same thing happened to the staff in the hand of an officer
who was going his rounds to inspect the sentinels on the wall; the
shores had been lit up by numerous fires;
a couple of shields had sweated blood; some soldiers had been
struck by lightning; an eclipse of the sun had been observed; at
Praeneste there had been a shower of red-hot stones; at Arpi shields had been seen in the sky and the sun had appeared to be fighting with the moon;
at Capena two moons were visible in the daytime; at Caere the
waters ran mingled with blood, and even the spring of Hercules had
bubbled up with drops of blood on the water; at Antium the ears of corn
which fell into the reapers' basket were blood-stained; at Falerii the
sky seemed to be cleft asunder as with an enormous rift and all over the
opening there was a blazing light;
the oracular tablets shrank and shrivelled without being touched and one
had fallen out with this inscription, "MARS IS SHAKING HIS
SPEAR"; and at the same time the statue of Mars on the Appian Way and
the images of the Wolves sweated blood. Finally, at Capua the sight was
seen of the sky on fire and the moon falling in the midst of a shower of
Then credence was given to comparatively trifling portents, such
as that certain people's goats were suddenly clothed with wool, a hen
turned into a cock, and a cock into a hen.
After giving the details exactly as they were reported to him
and bringing his informants before the senate, the consul consulted the
House as to what religious observances ought to be proclaimed.
A decree was passed that to avert the evils which these portents
foreboded, sacrifices should be offered, the victims to be both
full-grown animals and sucklings, and also that special intercessions
should be made at all the shrines for three days.
What other ceremonial was necessary was to be carried out in
accordance with the instructions of the decemvirs after they had
inspected the Sacred Books and ascertained the will of the gods.
On their advice it was decreed that the first votive offering
should be made to Jupiter in the shape of a golden thunderbolt weighing
fifty pounds, gifts of silver to Juno and Minerva, and
sacrifices of full-grown victims to Queen Juno on the Aventine
and Juno Sospita at Lanuvium, whilst the matrons were to contribute
according to their means and bear their gift to Queen Juno on the
Aventine. A lectisternium was to be held, and even the freedwomen were
to contribute what they could for a gift to the temple of Feronia.
When these instructions had been carried out the decemvirs
sacrificed full-grown victims in the forum at Ardea, and finally in the
middle of December there was a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, a
lectisternium was ordered (the senators prepared the couch), and a
public banquet.
For a day and a night the cry of the Saturnalia resounded
through the City, and the people were ordered to make that day a
festival and observe it as such for ever.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 22, 1.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 22, 1.
During this winter many portents occurred in Rome
During this winter many portents occurred in Rome and the neighbourhood,
or at all events, many were reported and easily gained credence, for
when once men's minds have been excited by superstitious fears they
easily believe these things.
A six-months-old child, of freeborn parents, is said to have
shouted "Io Triumphe" in the vegetable market, whilst in the Forum
Boarium an ox is reported to have climbed up of its own accord
to the third story of a house, and then, frightened by the noisy crowd
which gathered, it threw itself down.
A phantom navy was seen shining in the sky; the temple of Hope
in the vegetable market was struck by lightning; at Lanuvium Juno's
spear had moved of itself, and a crow had flown down to her temple and
settled upon her couch;
in the territory of Amiternum
beings in human shape and clothed in white were seen at a distance, but
no one came close to them; in the neighbourhood of Picenum there was a
shower of stones; at Caere the oracular tablets had shrunk in size; in
Gaul a wolf had snatched a sentinel's sword from its scabbard and run
off with it.
With regard to the other portents, the decemvirs were ordered to
consult the Sacred Books, but in the case of the shower of stones at
Picenum a nine days' sacred feast was proclaimed, at the close of which
almost the whole community busied itself with the expiation of the
First of all the City was purified, and full-grown victims were
sacrificed to the deities named in the Sacred Books; an offering of
forty pounds' weight of gold was conveyed to Juno at Lanuvium, and the
matrons dedicated a bronze statue of that goddess on the Aventine.
At Caere, where the tablets had shrunk, a lectisternium was
enjoined, and a service of intercession was to be rendered to Fortuna on
In Rome also a lectisternium was ordered for Juventas and a
special service of intercession at the temple of Hercules, and
afterwards one in which the whole population were to take part at all
the shrines.
Five full-grown victims were sacrificed to the Genius of Rome,
and C. Atilius Serranus, the praetor, received instructions to undertake
certain vows which were to be discharged should the commonwealth remain
in the same condition for ten years.
These ceremonial observances and vows, ordered in obedience to
the Sacred Books, did much to allay the religious fears of the people.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 21, 62.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 21, 62.
Cuando Eubulo fue arconte en Atenas
Cuando Eubulo fue arconte en Atenas, los Romanos eligieron como cónsules a Marco Fabio y a Servio Sulpicio. Este año Timoleón el Corintio, quien había sido elegido por sus conciudadanos general de Siracusa, se preparó para su expedición a Sicilia. [2] Reclutó setecientos mercenarios y, embarcando a sus hombres en cuatro trirremes y tres navíos rápidos, levó áncoras desde Corinto. Cuando navegaba cerca de la costa recogió tres barcos más de los Leucadianos y Corcirenses, y así con diez navíos cruzó el golfo Jónico. [3] Durante este viaje, un suceso particular y extraño le ocurrió a Timoleón. El Cielo vino en soporte de su aventura y predijo su futura fama y la gloria de sus logros, porque a lo largo de toda la noche fue precedido por una antorcha llameante en el cielo hasta el momento en que el escuadrón hizo puerto en Italia. [4] Entonces Timoleón había ya oído en Corinto de las sacerdotisas de Demeter y Perséfone que, mientras dormían, las Diosas les habían dicho que acompañarían a Timoleón en su viaje a su sagrada isla. [5] Él y sus compañeros, por ello, estaba encantados, reconociendo que las Diosas estaban de hecho dándoles su apoyo. Les dedicó su mejor nave, llamándola “la nave sagrada de Demeter y Perséfone.”
Diodoro Sículo. Biblioteca histórica, XVI, 66.
Diodoro Sículo. Biblioteca histórica, XVI, 66.
At the beginning of the year
At the beginning of the year, the commissioners who had visited Aetolia
and Macedonia brought back word that no opportunity had been afforded
them of meeting Perseus. Some made out that he was ill; others that he
was away from home; both stories being equally false.
It was, however, quite clear that warlike preparations were on
foot, and that it would not be long before Perseus resorted to arms. In
Aetolia intestine quarrels were increasing in violence day by day, and
the leaders of the opposing factions refused to be kept in check by
their authority.
As it was fully expected that there would be war with Macedonia,
it was decided that portents should be expiated and prayers offered to
win "the peace of the Gods," of those deities, namely, who were
mentioned in the Books of Fate.
At Lanuvium the sight
of a great fleet had been witnessed in the heavens; at Privernum the
earth had brought forth dark-coloured wool; at Remens in the Veientine
district there had been a shower of stones;
the whole of the Pomptine country had been covered with clouds
of locusts; in a field in Gaul where the plough was at work, fishes
emerged from the turned-up clods.
In consequence of these portents the Books of Fate were
consulted, and the Keepers announced to what deities and with what
victims sacrifices were to be offered; they further ordered special
intercessions for the expiation of the portents, and also others in
fulfilment of the vow taken by the people the previous year on the
occasion of the pestilence.
All was done as the Sacred Books ordered.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 42, 2.
Tito Livio. Historia de Roma, 42, 2.
jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019
Tengamos en cuenta a este respecto
Tengamos en cuenta a este respecto que habiendo convertido en máxima proceder siempre por la violencia, ejecutar necesariamente sus planes y nunca ver como imposible lo que han resuelto, los romanos sin duda han obtenido a menudo un gran éxito; pero este principio también los ha expuesto a más de un desastre, especialmente en el mar. En tierra, como sólo tienen que enfrentarse con los hombres y la industria humana, la mayoría de las veces resultan vencedores. Su ardor impetuoso triunfa sobre una fuerza que responde a la de ellos. Si a veces son derrotados, esto no es más que una rara excepción. Pero cuando se trata de luchar contra el cielo o las olas, experimentan terribles decepciones. Esto es lo que sucedió en esta circunstancia, como en muchas otras, y lo que volverá a suceder, hasta que corrijan el exceso de audacia y confianza que los persuade de que no existe época en que la tierra y el océano puedan estar cerrados para ellos.
Polibio. Historia, I, 37, 7-10.
Polibio. Historia, I, 37, 7-10.
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